Mathieu de Poorter


The social and solidarity economy (SSE) and its ties to the questions of employment and work are discussed here from the perspective of enterprises and organisations of the SSE and their efforts to create decent work, as defined by the International Labour Organisation. Enterprises and organisations of the SSE are analysed under the four dimensions that define decent work, namely:
the guarantee of labour rights, and the promotion of the application and respect for the (fundamental) working standards, as well as the challenges and opportunities linked to the freedom of association and collective negotiation;
the creation of decent jobs and revenues based on comparative economic and social advantages generated by enterprises and organisations of the SSE; extending social protection in a holistic way, through public/private partnerships and mechanisms specific to SSE enterprises and organisations; promoting social dialogue by rendering social partners more representatives, and extending the social dialogue in collaboration with public institutions.

An international portrait of the economic importance of SSE enterprises and organisations, as well as their political and legal recognition, testifies to the potential of the SSE to contribute viable and complementary opportunities on the labour market. However, these challenges and opportunities, inherent to the characteristics of SSE enterprises and organisations and the complementary nature of their contributions to a pluralist economy, must address public powers and civil society.


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Work; Employment; Social Economy

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